061 - Why Aren’t PRICES FALLING? with Jeff Booth


Wise stewardship of our time and money requires thinking about the future. How often do you think about tomorrow? Tomorrow is unknown, uncertain, and often underestimated. What is the price of tomorrow?

That is the title of Jeff Booth's book. 

Today Mark and Brent talk to Jeff to try and get their minds around what the future could look like from first principles thinking. Jeff Booth is a technology entrepreneur. He has been in the tech space for a long time and built many successful companies. Jeff doesn't have a crystal ball, but he does have a unique way of challenging us to think outside the existing system. 

Jeff's website

------------------> jeffbooth.ca/

Jeff's Book

------------------> amazon.ca/Price-of-Tomorrow


Listen to full episode :


062 - What if Everything Falls Apart?


060 - Is Our Government OUT OF CONTROL?